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Bottom Fishing for Funds and ETFs

edited July 2015 in The Bullpen
Looking for a list of ETFs, Mutual Funds, and maybe even Stocks (BBRY) that:

1. Are within 2% of their 52 week low
2. Have fallen more than 20% from their 52 week High

My list:
Name.....Off 52 Wk Low...Off 52 Wk High
EGPT...........0.02%....................45% - Egypt Index
GYLD..........0.09%....................21% - Global High Yield
EPP.............0.12%....................20% - Pacific Ex-Japan
SLV.............0.35%....................30% - Silver
URA............0.83%....................43% - Uranium
XLE, VDE.....1.42%....................28% - Energy
PALL...........1.8%......................28% - Palladium
GCC............1.8%......................23% - Commodities
EWX............1.8%.......................21% - Emerging Market Small Cap
ILF..............2.17%....................34% - Latin America
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