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HEDJ, @ 200 day MA, rough 6 wks or so, still about +10% YTD, Euro & European equity markets.....

edited July 2015 in The Bullpen
For those invested in or watching this area; and in particular whether some markets are considered "overbought" by some and the value of the Euro vs the $US.

About 10% of our portfolio is invested in this etf since the beginning of this year. The recent 2 months have been a bit rough for this fund, but the YTD is still about +10%. The Euro has remained a bit stronger than I would have "guessed", but some of that strength is leaving today (July 7) and may support a flat or positive price move, also dependent upon the equity portion of this etf.

For those inclined to the technical side for additional consideration; this etf is at its 200ma, and with a 14 day RSI of about 38. This may indicate a near term "oversold".

Keep in mind, that this etf; not unlike many others, has become a trading tool for many hedge funds and related. One should expect some "movement".

Just because the Greek mess continues, this has not automatically shut down all of the other areas of Europe from production of various products and/or reduced consumer spending. Tis the high season for vacation time in much of the Euro area. I'm sure much consumer spending remains in place.

We'll remain invested in this etf.

Sidenote: U.S. real estate funds are attempting to stablize in pricing with a slight up trend during the pass several sessions. Buyers are either chasing an "oversold" or yields moving down again; or both.

Lastly, investment grade bonds offer support to the equity world of our portfolio; during this "rough" period for equity holdings in many sectors.

HEDJ chart

Take care,
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