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Chuck Jaffe Money Life Show: Guest Isaac Braley, President, Director, BTS Asset Management

FYI: (Scroll & Click On Download)

Isaac Braley, President, Director of BTS, and Investment Committee Member, joined BTS Asset Management in 1999. Mr. Braley has served as a significant contributor to portfolio analysis and creation. Along with his experience in portfolio design and strategy, Mr. Braley is head of distribution for the organization. He actively attends industry investment and research conferences speaking on topics regarding portfolio design and behavioral finance. He has a B.S. in Business Management from Keene State College and a M.S. in Financial Planning from the College of Financial Planning.

M* Snapshot BTFAX:

Lipper Snapshot BTFAX:

BTFAX Is Unranked In The (NB) Fund Category By U.S. News & World Report:

BTS Funds Website:
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