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Christmas in July!!

Yep! That's what I'm thinking. The boys and I had a strategy meeting (Moe, Larry, et. al.). Duke wanted in, but we said no, so he ran and told mom .... soooo, we had to let him in....the little Putin!! Have some cash with an itchy trigger finger. No rush.....I think we will have some time on this after all. Draghi will be involved in this .... wow! ...all markets could use a reset. This would be a prime time to do it. The buy list: FMEIX, FSCRX, FSRFX, YAFFX. No healthcare unless a big pullback....have enough already. Europe and Asia: GLFOX, JOHAX, MAPIX, RERFX. It would be nice to get this out of the way now so when rates rise, it would be a yawn. Never have so many been owed so much by so few for so long.....and why it still lingers. So a Happy Xmas to one and all (I hope!).
God bless.
the Pudd


  • Have no idea what you said but always enjoy your posts...:)
  • edited June 2015
    " ...all markets could use a reset. This would be a prime time to do it."

    The problem that I have is that I have a difficult time believing that they want to let that much reality intrude. I would not be surprised if Draghi used this as cover to do yet larger QE.

  • Hi Scott!
    Good to hear from you. Yes, I go along with that thought. It's been a while since I heard that name (Draghi). He already shot down nay-sayers when they wanted to stop QE a while back. He advocated staying the course until at least September of 2016....maybe longer. Just another player added to the game.....sort of like the Kardashians. You just wish they would go away, but then off the bench comes a bigger and better player into the game. I'll bet half the NBA teams wish they had a bench as deep.
    As for Greece, I would think they will default. They have five (5) times already, so what's one more? I would think, somewhere in the world this week, easy money can be made. As you can tell, I'm ready....this year has been dull.
    God bless.
    the Pudd
  • I was a bit confused too. Normally stores don't role out their Christmas displays and merchandising until August or September.
  • edited June 2015

    Hi Hank!
    LOL - Yep good one. I do miss the snow though. I see presents from Asia to Europe....this morning I am ready to play.
  • edited June 2015
    Puddnhead said:

    As for Greece, I would think they will default. They have five (5) times already, so what's one more?
    God bless.
    the Pudd

    You have a world where governments are desperate to maintain status quo.

    As for China: "
    The policy easing should be viewed as a measure to contain the risk of a hard landing or systemic crisis rather than one to achieve faster growth. In this case, the stronger-than-expected monetary easing may help stem the decline in the equity market following a 10.6% drop over the past two trading days. The positive wealth effect of the equity market on consumption or aggregate demand is limited in China, but an equity market collapse would hurt millions of mid-class households and pose great danger to the economy and social stability." (

    Do I think that governments can continue postponing Winter? No, and the result will only be that much worse the longer they push off Winter. I also fear that if they postpone Winter long enough, it can get disorderly in the opposite direction.

    I have said it before and I'll say it again: I do recommend continuing to focus on needs over wants. Continuing to recommend healthcare and some selected staples. I do think railroads remain oversold, too, as do some REITs.

    Note Oaktree (OAK) up a bit this morning. Possibly interest in the world's largest distressed debt investor based around what is happening in Europe, as well as things like the announcement from Puerto Rico this morning.
  • image
    Hi Scott!
    You and I agree on much. No amount of money will stop what has to be done. Only make the bill larger. China can cut for a while....many new players have come to the game. There, again, that buys time. Also, China has not done QE yet many bullets left. Will that change the direction of travel? No, only the speed. Greece is a media play. Really, who cares? It comes down to will you stay or will you go in the Euro. The E.U. losses will vary in size with the outcome of the vote. Is this '08 all over again? I think not. What we have is a world that needs big changes, but those in power will not allow. And, if it means much pain, so be it. The rich feel nothing and so the game goes on 'till change comes (i.e., war). 'Till then, may the investment gods treat you well!
    the Pudd
  • Hi guys!
    Monday I felt like Cramer.....BUY! BUY! BUY! Bought MAPIX, JOHAX, FMIJX, GLFOX, FPHAX, FSPHX. Wow! Long time since I bought so many funds. Did some more buying added to Tuesday: GLFOX, FMIJX, FPHAX, FSPHX, and bought FSRFX. The transports worry me....not that I'm a Dow theorist, but it matters, I feel, moreso than Greece. I have more money at home than overseas, so it matters; and I do not see any markets hitting the reset, not even Europe. Had hoped this would take some air from the balloon for the interest rate hike. But I think not. This was a perfect chance to reset and it was missed. I like it not. Today, I am looking at oil. It's dropping. If it keeps going, will add some to the position. Also, silver is dropping...will add eagles, also, and maybe a 9mm with a few hundred rounds.
    God bless.
    the Pudd
  • Good luck to you Puddnhead. Toss of a coin if this is a good time to buy or not... for me. I am watching a couple stocks and HC REITs hoping they drop to where I want to buy. Not there yet but who knows with all this volatility in the markets.
  • Hi MikeM!
    My friend who taught me the game said, "Buy when you can't mark it to market; the spread is your friend." Then again sometimes you win or not.
    God bless
    the Pudd
    p.s. REITs....what about rates rising?
  • edited July 2015
    Puddnhead said:

    Hi MikeM!
    My friend who taught me the game said, "Buy when you can't mark it to market; the spread is your friend." Then again sometimes you win or not.
    God bless
    the Pudd
    p.s. REITs....what about rates rising?

    If they're rising for positive reasons, REITs can raise rents and have other positive business effects. However, the initial period of rising rates is tough.

    STWD is a REIT that actually will do well in rising rates but it's been thrown out with others in the category. (page 22, specifically.)

  • True pudd but I really like the HC REIT concept for the long term. People will absolutely live longer and senior, assisted and full care facilities will be the benificiaries of this. I see the building of more units here in upstarted NY and I see it first hand with my mother who is at an assisted living community.

    Scott has offered a couple good prospect REITs and at the right price I'll bite.
  • MikeM said:

    True pudd but I really like the HC REIT concept for the long term. People will absolutely live longer and senior, assisted and full care facilities will be the benificiaries of this. I see the building of more units here in upstarted NY and I see it first hand with my mother who is at an assisted living community.

    Scott has offered a couple good prospect REITs and at the right price I'll bite.

    I'm really a fan of Ventas and that company's management. As I've noted before, THQ offers some exposure to healthcare REITs within a broader healthcare fund, plus offers a monthly dividend. That fund trades at a nearly 9% discount and the company's planned share buyback can start 7/11 - not to say that they will start buying right away, but the hope being that the discount will at least gradually narrow for THQ.
  • ☺Hi Scott and MikeM!
    As I am viewing your link, page 8 has given me a question: mezzanine loans---what is that? I see the Libor connection 80% of loans. Page 11: the pie charts also look good....well diversified....I like that. I see page 22 and what you are saying --- as interest rates go up, so do earnings. That's a good thing. (page 23): As I view this, I see there is so much to learn in the world.
    And, yes Mike, I agree with you 100%. It is something that will grow for years to come. By the way, how are those Bills looking this year?
    God bless
    the Pudd
  • Well Pudd, about those Bills. I'm always optomistic pre-season but have been disappointed for 15 straight years. They have one of the best defenses in the league and have upgraded the offense. But, alas, no quarterback. On the other hand, Rex Ryan will always be the best coaching sound-bite every week.
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