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Ray Dalio’s Economics Lesson

Hi Guys,

Ex-Marine and Bond guru Bill Gross has never hesitated to express his views forcefully and in colorful language. His book, “Everything You’ve Heard About Investing is Wrong”, is a simple extension of his style.

Early in the book, Gross asserts that “a good institutional bond manager has to be one-third mathematician, one-third horse trader, and one-third economist”. Although he didn’t extend that skill set to equity investing, I suspect he would advocate a very similar expertise for all equity investors.

Many individual investors haven’t been exposed to much formal economics training. Just today, I inadvertently ran into a 30-minute cartoon economics video that was written by famed investor Ray Dalio. Dalio has an organized way to simplify and to make complex subjects understandable. His economics video does exactly that.

I don’t recall that it has been referenced on MFO. I apologize if the video has been posted earlier. If not, and if you have an interest, here is a Link to it:

Enjoy. Ray Dalio is a terrific investor and writer. I learned much more about how the economy works than I thought that I would. It is a well worthwhile 30 minute commitment.

Best Regards.


  • edited June 2015
    First linked at MFO in Oct. 2013, and cited/linked by bee a few times inside of threads, including recent posts.

    However, surely this video will be new for many; and is worthy of its own subject line.

  • Yes, it's a very good simplified discussion, and well worth another citation.
  • Ray Dalio has always been a reliable person to listen to or read.
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