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M* Conference: Chuck Jaffe's Money Life Show: Guest Warren Pierson, CFA , Baird Funds

FYI: (Scroll & Click On Download)

BIO: Warren D. Pierson, CFA
Managing Director Senior Portfolio Manager
Warren has over 23 years of investment experience managing various types of fixed income portfolios. Prior to joining Baird Advisors, Warren was a Senior Vice President and Senior Portfolio Manager with Firstar Investment Research and Management Company (FIRMCO) where he managed municipal bond portfolios and intermediate taxable bond portfolios. A major portion of his time is allocated to yield curve analysis and credit research. He plays a lead role in coordinating and implementing all fixed income strategy at the firm. Warren received his undergraduate degree from Lawrence University and was awarded the Chartered Financial Analyst designation in 1990. Warren is currently a member of The CFA Institute and is past President of the CFA Society of Milwaukee.

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