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A Leaner Turner

edited June 2015 in The Bullpen
FYI: Robert Turner defied gravity, for a time.

Turner Investments L.P., his Berwyn-based mutual funds and portfolio management firm, was investing $28 billion at its peak in 2008 for clients awed by Turner's record of beating stock fund benchmarks.

The Turner funds' clients included giant insurers, Pennsylvania and other states, Philadelphia and other cities, colleges, and corporate and union retirement plans.

Even Vanguard Group, the great champion of autopiloted index-fund investing, paid Turner to pick stocks for its Vanguard Growth Equity fund.

But now those blue-chip clients are gone. Turner Investments L.P. manages under $1 billion, and many of the top managers who did star turns as Turner stock gurus on CNBC and in Dow Jones publications during the firm's fat years have left, some acrimoniously.

M* List Turner Funds:

Turner Website:
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