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"Wall" choices, when setting our Preferences....What function is provided to the user ??? (eom)
Just a note to let you know that I've communicated with the chief Snowball to see if we can add a "how to" page, which hopefully will be able to explain all of these mysterious gadgets. He's very receptive to the concept but is personally really in a very deep hole timewise (now that's not a real word, is it?) right now. However he did discuss this yesterday with the already hard-pressed staff of technical wizards. I've also suggested that the "Contact" heading might include an email link directly to the wizards so as to minimize David's involvement with routine stuff.
My current favorite is "Permalink". Now what the hell does that do?
Permalink is an anchor to a particular post in discussion thread. Many blogs contain permalinks. Typically you right click on the permalink and copy the link address (URL) to the clipboard. Then, you can paste it anywhere else.
Wall is the blog like function available at the Activity tab of your profile (when you click on the link). You can basically start discussions there (just like you start discussion in the forum) and other people can respond to it. However, those discussions are only accessible via your profile as opposed to main forum listing.
My current favorite is "Permalink". Now what the hell does that do?