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Top Performing Nasdaq Stocks Since the March 2000 High

FYI: After more than 15 years of downs and then ups, the Nasdaq composite just eclipsed its intraday high from March 10, 2000. To commemorate this milestone, we wanted to highlight the top performing stocks in the Nasdaq composite from March 10, 2000, through today’s new high. Believe it or not, there are 99 stocks in the index that were up 1,000 or more during this period. While we don’t have enough space to list all 99 stocks, the table below lists the 26 stocks that are up more than 3,000% during this period, and one of them is not Apple (AAPL). AAPL has certainly had an impressive run, but with a gain of 2,750% it came up just short of making the list. Just to give you an idea of how low the stock’s price was in March 2000, a share price of $139.5 would have been enough for it to make the list.
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