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Risk On, Risk Adjusted: Retail And Institutional Money View Markets Differently

FYI: The yield-to-worst of the S&P U.S. Investment Grade Corporate Bond Index was relatively flat for the week, closing Friday, June 12, 2015, at a 3.15%. For the previous week, Lipper data reported positive flows into investment-grade corporate bonds (June 3, 2015), which appeared to be buying on the dip, as the index moved from a yield of 2.89% on May 29, 2015, to the June 3, 2015, level of 3.10%. The move into investment-grade corporate bonds may be opportunistic buying that resulted from the USD 2.6 billion of outflow in the high-yield market during the week of June 10, 2015.1 Current performance of the index is down, with the index having returned -1.60% month to date (MTD) and -0.51% year to date (YTD).
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