More Morning Coffee,
Mr. What's in the Data (me) continues to be curious about the unemployment numbers as many in the financial area place great value in the data; and at the very least, these numbers are tools for the D.C. crowd. I am aware of the U-6 component of the Labor Dept. data, as it relates to other B.O.L data.
A snippet: "One reason the unemployment rate has fallen for five straight months is that many people have stopped looking for work. The government only counts people as unemployed if they are actively searching for a job."
I honestly don't know how the following plays into reported numbers regarding unemployment; but Michigan enacted recent changes that chops off the available duration of one to have unemployment benefits. One wonders where this statistic shows up in the Labor Statistics numbers. My skeptical brain side concludes that some of the numbers are skewed/perverted.,0,6719275,print.storyTake care,
Also, the BLS warned that the Jan numbers are not comparable to the Dec 2011 numbers due to a once a year adjustment in the population numbers.