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Which Mutual Funds Are Most Popular For Getting Exposure To The Chemicals Sector?

FYI: Investors gravitate to the chemicals sector for many reasons. It is a longstanding sector in which companies bring to market products that are considered necessities. Chemicals are used to help create nearly everything people consume on a daily basis. Therefore, recessions and economic crises have less effect on the chemicals sector compared to sectors in which luxuries and non-necessities are produced.

M* Snaphot FSCHX:

M* Snaphot FSDPX:

Lipper Snaphot FSCHX:

Lipper Snapshot FSDPX:

FSCHX Is Ranked #2 In The (NR) Fund Category By U.S. News & World Report:®-select-chemicals-portfolio/fschx

FSDPX Is Unranked In The (NR) Fund Category By U.S. News & World Report:®-select-materials-portfolio/fsdpx
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