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The Longest Day

Hi Guys,

I am pleased to offer a tribute to our honorable military who made victory a reality when they sacrificed blood and guts on the Longest Day. Here are two videos, one from Hollywood and one from history, that both capture the horrors and the bravery of our Longest Day. I salute all of them: past, present, and future.

Please take a moment to reflect on this WW II historical event.

Best Regards.


  • @MJG: Thanks for remembrering June 5, 1944. I was going to post something yesterday, but decided not too. I still have a bad taste in my mouth for last Memorial Day's link that was picked apart over who we honor on Memorial Day.
  • Helluva lotta blood spilled. Always remember this day! So many made the supreme sacrifice. Young lives ended.
  • Thanks for the remembrance.
  • edited June 2015
    Recommended: I believe Tom Selleck portrayed Ike brilliantly. I mention it here because it might not be as well-known as some others, like "The Longest Day." And somehow, I recall from that latter-mentioned film, that "The Fighting 29th" was in the thick of it, at Omaha Beach. (Eddie Arnold was decorated during the War.) Just one unit among many...

    "IKE: Countdown to D-Day." Countdown to D-Day
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