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Barry Ritholtz: Wall Street Doesn't Need To Brainwash You

edited June 2015 in The Bullpen
FYI: The linkster stopped linking MarketWatch's Paul Farrell articles years ago ! The reason, he's a moron !)

Every now and again, Barry disagrees with an article written by someone he likes and respects. On occasion, an author will crank out a column that makes me angry. And on rare occasions, I will read something where I disagree with just about every sentence.
Today is one of those total disagreement days.

Marketwatch columnist Paul Farrell wrote an article on behavioral economics with the headline “Why investors are helpless against Wall Street’s secret brainwashing machine.” I can find fault with just about every thought in the piece, including his mention of “robots” in Ridley Scott’s film "Blade Runner."1
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