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ETF Market Vital Signs, May 26: Hit The Brakes

FYI: Investors (ok, financial journalists) who groused last week about a dearth of market action got sweet relief on Tuesday. U.S. and European stocks ended with their biggest declines in weeks. In Europe, ongoing uncertainty about Greece’s ability to pay its bills coupled with a strong local election for anti-austerity parties in Spain to take markets lower. Some traders also noted that a decent report on durable goods in the U.S. counts as a point for the hawks at the Federal Reserve. Asia continued to march to its own drummer after FTSE said it would give an allocation in its emerging-market indexes to mainland China shares. The Deutsche X-trackers Harvest CSI 300 China A-Shares ETF (ASHR) added 2.9%, bringing its year-to-date gain to 44%.

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