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Memorial Day Tribute

edited May 2015 in Off-Topic
Less we forget those who gave their lives so America could remain free !

America: Nora Jones


  • Hi Guys,

    Thank you Ted for this quiet and effective memorial celebration. I had never seen it.

    I too will never forget. Memorial Day has a very special meaning for me and my family. I salute all the Armed Forces of the United States, those from the past, the present, and the future.

    Here is a Link to the opening song on an album that I play each memorial Day.

    I hope you enjoy it, especially the effective trumpets and drums that introduce the Marines Hymn. The entire “Remembrance” album is filled with gems.

    Best Regards,

    U.S. Army
  • @MJG: Thanks for sharing !
  • Hear. This is good:

    When I was a kid 60y ago it was always pretty somber and not cookout-oriented. My mother would recall as a girl seeing the few remaining Civil War vets march.
  • One of my proudest moments as a mom was when I took my two sons, then ages 15 and 12, to the Pearl Harbor monument. I explained to them beforehand that since it was a resting place for many servicepeople, they were to be serious and reverent when we visited. They behaved perfectly, unlike so many others there...most of whom were adults... who were yukking it up like they were at an amusement park.
  • edited May 2015
    @Ted With all due respect, Ted, Memorial Day is not "especially" about those who "gave" their lives in service to the USofA. That is all it is about. It is only about those Americans--- both military and civilians--- who lost their lives in service to their country during all wars and other military hostilities. Period. It should not be IMO a day of celebration with pig roasts, potato salad, and booze bashes; it is a day set aside for solemn remembrance of those who made the ultimate sacrifice, in the interest of creating a more perfect Union (or, in present circumstances, in the interest of keeping the experiment from unraveling until the Nation gets its sh*t back together).
    The holiday has nothing specifically, and certainly nothing exclusively pertaining, to do with all veterans of military service, wherever and whenever, whether living or dead. That would be Veterans Day.
  • TedTed
    edited May 2015
    @heezsafe: For someone so pikey, picky, I hope you served your country !!!!!!!! I just edited my post. Get a life !!!!!
  • As time goes on the meaning of holidays and other landmark places change. In my younger days, the Tomb of The Unknowns was known and called the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. I still call it by the the original name.

    Veterans Day is a holiday to remember all who have served in our military. Memorial Day is to remember those who have given the ultimate sacrifice while serving our country. I think that has been stretched to include first responders and others so as not to leave any one behind.
  • Hi Guys,

    Only 20-plus odd notes say it all. A Link to Taps is needed to close this exchange:

    Never forget!
  • @MJG: Thanks for sharing !
  • edited May 2015
    Previously stated:
    "Only 20-plus odd notes say it all. A Link to Taps is needed to close this exchange"

    I have chosen to NOT yet close this exchange, if there are no objections by anyone.

    Memorial Day for many friends and familes is ongoing......................
  • MJG
    edited May 2015
    Hi Catch22,

    Surely, I did not suggest that this discussion should be closed. Perhaps it should never close. I merely wanted to make sure that a Taps reference is included among the many worthy and respectful contributions that I anticipate.

    Edit: I waited until 12 noon East Coast time for further comments, and when none happened, I submitted my Taps link. If I offended you I apologize; none was intended on this special Day.

    Best Wishes.
  • @MJG
    Midnight of this day would be more appropriate, if you choose to suggest to end the exchange.
  • @catch22: Nice going catch, you and heezafe have ruined a well meaning tribute to Memorial Day by MJG and myself. Fair warning, I'm going to keep both of you on a short leash. I'm angry, and intend to discuss this whole matter with David.

    P.S.: Did you ever serve your country ?

  • Ruined what? The suggestion from another here that this exchange be closed..............okay, if you feel this is appropriate behavior.
    Yes. I have mentioned several times over the years at FA and here, that I served 4 years during the Vietnam War.........1967-1971. I was a fortunate one. Too many family and friends were not and did not escape the worst of any war or military conflict.
    I presume your time with USMC was during the Korean War.
    I am sure Mr. Snowball will welcome your conversation.
  • Hi Guys,

    As Memorial Day 2015 slowly edges towards its end, it is appropriate to turn attention to the future. In keeping with the spirit of this exchange, no better way to do this than with a rousing version of the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

    The Mormon Tabernacle Choir probably has the most famous version, but I like a Robert Shaw Chorale adaptation just a little more. My bias is likely influenced by the beautiful collection of American landmark photos that accompany this 5 minute plus video.

    Please give it a look see. Here is the Link:

    It is inspiring. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

    Best Wishes.
  • Thanks @MJG for that fitting link. I always enjoy listening when the Battle Hymn plays, especially all the verses. On of my favorite renditions was played at the religious service at the National Cathedral after Sept. 11th.
  • ""I waited until 12 noon East Coast time" [before posting] "A Link to Taps is needed to close this exchange"

    "Surely, I did not suggest that this discussion should be closed."

    Nuts. It says what it says, in plain English. You, MJG, determined that it was appropriate for you to "close this exchange" at "12 noon East Coast time". Considering your demand for clarity and accuracy in others you certainly allow yourself a relaxed standard. And then the situation is perverted to suggest that Catch22 is a bad guy. What a shame to cause dissension in this link due to pure sloppiness and thoughtlessness.

    Old Joe: USCG, 1957/1960, and proud of it.
  • Hi Old Joe,

    First, I want to thank you for your service.

    Second, and perhaps foremost, I contributed to this post multiple times to reinforce Ted’s sentiments about this inspirational and emotionally charged day. It deserves special recognition. I planned to sequentially link to an Armed Forces Medley, to a Taps service, and finally to the Battle Hymn of the Republic. I did so.

    I planned to time space my contributions to keep Ted’s Memorial Day remembrance near the top of the Discussion page since that attracts the most MFO attention. I shortened my Taps planned time space because the Memorial Day thread was mostly devoid of any submittals with exceptions from JohnChisum. That upset me.

    Yes I do submit lengthy posts, many containing hundreds of words, multiple thoughts, references, and suggested useful tools for MFO investors. From these lengthy posts you nitpick partial thoughts or sometimes carp on single words. That unfairly distorts and misrepresents the thrust of my contributions.

    Once again you abridged my comments to suit your evil purposes. My complete posting was “I waited until 12 noon East Coast time for further comments, and when none happened, I submitted my Taps link. If I offended you I apologize; none was intended on this special Day.” I was not commanding anyone; I have no such authority.

    I was merely expressing an opinion. In investing, a diversity of opinion should be tolerated and even appreciated.

    “I don’t ever require that someone else share my opinion on anything. I don’t care. We live in a free country. Have whatever opinion you want. It’s your opinion. I have my opinions. I don’t care if you have my opinion.” This represents my thinking on this matter, but is not me writing. I took this piece from a recent Wealth of Common Sense column that quoted Neil deGrasse Tyson.

    In earlier postings, I mentioned that Memorial Day is particularly special to me without detailing the many reasons. Allow me to detail one such reason now. While serving in the U.S. Army, I was assigned to burial details on six occasions. Although they were all inspiring, they were also heartbreakingly sad. I can still vividly picture our bugler sounding Taps.

    The best time for the Taps posting on MFO is purely an opinion. Perhaps I reacted wrongly. But there were not any posts honoring Memorial Day after I submitted my Taps link. Perhaps my Taps timing was not so bad after-all.

    Regardless, your pejorative comments directed at me distract from the respectful purpose of this thread.

    Best Wishes.
  • edited May 2015
    @MJG: Nuts. It says what it says, in plain English. You can twist it and turn it and blather on, but you change nothing. How about stepping up and taking responsibility for your own actions for a change, rather than attributing criticism to "evil purposes"?

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