Possibly a very valuable fund site for efficient management of a portfolio if you are looking to see if your fund is performing as well or better than like funds.
For every fund that you are invested there may be several similar in the fund universe.
It would be nice if we could follow our portfolio with automatically showing a pull down screen wing
similar funds and alerting you that there is a better choice out there and you might consider. This way your asset allocation will not change but you will have best of breed. This could make a significant improvement of returns.
Does any one have knowledge of such a site or at least the ability to enter a symbol and have like funds pop up for comparisons of returns?
-you can click around this link and find some comparative choices that are highly rated by Fundmojo.
Bloomberg's Mutual Fund Ranking Site:
-This site ranks your fund against the other funds and ETFs in its catagory. Change time frames to get long term performance 1,3,5 yr.
Smart Money:
-Allows you to compare your fund against other top ten performers in the category. There is also a risk/return chart that may need IE (Internet Explorer) to display because it needs to be java enabled. This chart allows the user to hover over squares (funds) to ID them. The chart display does a nice job of showing risk/return.
in money management and would be a financial bonanza for the developer.