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One ETF To Reap Profits From The Stock Buyback Binge

FYI: Stock buyback announcements have been coming fast and furious lately, as they have for the last few years.

PowerShares185 One ETF to Reap Profits From the Stock Buyback BingeIn fact, a 2014 Bloomberg report[1] on stock buybacks showed that across the S&P 500, corporations spent about 95% of their $914 billion in total profits last year on the repurchase of their own shares. Goldman Sachs recently predicted investors will see an extra $1 trillion[2] in stock market gains across 2015 thanks to the current stock buyback binge.

M* Snapshot PKW:

PKW Is Ranked #34 In The (GF) ETF Fund Category By U.S. News & World Report:
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