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Q&A With Rahul Chadha , Manager, Mirae Asset Asia Fund

edited May 2015 in The Bullpen
FYI: Portfolio manager Rahul Chadha hunts in Asia for growth at a reasonable price, which is not always an easy task in fast-moving economies such as China and India.
What is a reasonable price in his geographies, which exclude developed markets such as Japan and frontier economies like Vietnam? Not more than 25 times or 30 times earnings, he says, “for quality companies.” He looks at a country’s growth as a benchmark for valuations, and the scalability of a business. “But even for great companies, you’ve got to draw a line,” Chadha says.

M* Snapshot MALAX:

Lipper Snapshot MALAX:

MALAX Is Unranked In The(Pacific-Asia-Ex-Japan-Stk) Fund Category By U.S. News & World Report:
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