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WealthTrack: Guest: Dan Roberts, Co-Manager, MainStay Unconstrained Bond Fund

FYI: Seeking higher returns and protection against an eventual rise in interest rates, investors have been turning to non-traditional “unconstrained” bond funds. According to Morningstar, nontraditional bond fund assets have more than doubled to a record $151.5 billion last year, from $62.5 billion in 2011.
On this week’s WEALTHTRACK, an exclusive interview with an award winning portfolio manager who is an expert in this field. Dan Roberts of the five star rated MainStay Unconstrained Bond Fund explains why investment flexibility is so critical in today’s complex markets.

M* Snapshot Of MASAX:

Lipper Snapshot Of MASAX:

MASAX Is Unranked In The (NB) Fund Category By U.S. News & World Report:
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