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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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Balti - More or Less

I just read a statement from Michael Eric Dyson
who said the riots are a result of inequitable distribution
of capital.

Yeah, sure, that’s what it is… and I thought it was about

Let’s get to a solution.

Here’s a proposal –
These people just need jobs at $15/hr.

BAN any new automatic car washes!
Give these kids $15/hr. to hand-wash cars.

BAN any new robots!
Give these kids $15/hr. to build things by hand.

BAN the Internet!
Give these kids $15/hr. to hand-deliver messages.

Get rid of the traffic lights!
Give these kids $15/hr. to direct traffic.

Ban heavy machinery in these inner cities.
Create REAL $15/hr. shovel-ready jobs.

And the list goes on.

And here’s the chant I’d direct to them -
Finish school
or learn a trade.
Do these things
and you’ll get paid.

And -
“Everybody says they’re trying to get their piece of the pie.
They don’t understand that the world is a kitchen. You make your own pie.”
- Terry Crews

OK, I need a tongue in cheek font.


  • The link is already 404.

    Sounds good AKAFlack. Question is, will they take the jobs?
  • beebee
    edited May 2015
    The real riots will come when and if the government demands that someone (regardless of race/gender) stop receiving cell phone, food, utilities , housing and medical subsidies and that they now need to work for these benefits.

    It costs about $50K/yr to incarcerate an individual whether it is behind bars or in section 8 housing.

    That's more like $25/hour.
  • "The link is already 404."
    The Chinese firewall also works here now? Or is it the NSA?
  • I had checked BreitBart as well but could not find the story.
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