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ETF Market Vital Signs, April 28: Self-Appointed Judges Judge

FYI: Strong earnings from Apple (AAPL) didn’t help the market since shares fell. The U.S. stock market still managed gains as bond prices tumbled. Twitter’s (TWTR) lackluster earnings, released prematurely, weighed on the Global X Social Media Index ETF (SOCL). One red flag: the iShares Nasdaq Biotechnology ETF (IBB) fell for the third day in a row. To some, the biotech sector is a manifestation of froth, and its abrupt turnaround bodes ill.

There are two camps headed into Wednesday’s policy statement from the Federal Reserve: some contend that lofty valuations augurs a pullback, while others believe that central bank liquidity will keep the train rolling. J.P. Morgan’s equity trading desk brings some color:
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