Owned these two funds for years in a traditional IRA. Thinking about taking all/some out and looking for other opportunities. Too much in those two funds and need more diversification. Maybe more conservative?? Oppenheimer DEV Markets FD CLASS A ODMAX and Oppenheimer INTL Small Company CL A OSMAX
These were purchased years ago as B shares that converted to A within a Simple IRA. Are these worth keeping? Wish I had the "No Alarm" fund list...
Two of their better funds, which I own, are: International Bond (A shares) OIBAX and Global (A shares) OPPAX . SInce you already have A shares at this house, consider these 2 funds. The two you are in are very aggressive. So, maybe your risk tolerance lies there --- not mine (-:
NO, I wouldn't pay a load to buy shares at this house. But since you already own A shares, you are entitled to exchange those into any of their other A class funds. Might work for you.
BERIX (balanced.)
DODIX (bonds)
FPACX (balanced.)