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Vanguard’s Mutual Funds Better Than Its ETFs

FYI: Vanguard ETFs are great—especially those that follow broad indexes at the lowest costs. I say that because what I’m about to say may border on heresy since I am about to write it on But here goes: Vanguard mutual funds are even better than Vanguard ETFs, and in six ways


  • I was about to Scream all small stuff and min. $ differences,,,but then I got to conclusion(surprised I got that far?)....Conclusion accurate:

    For the most part, these six reasons are fairly minor, and investors can build a broad, low-cost and tax-efficient portfolio using either of these share classes. However, making the assumption that ETFs are always better than mutual funds is flawed. The death of mutual funds has been greatly exaggerated.

    continue to hold best of both worlds..seems to work...tb
  • Some Vanguard mutual funds carries a modest purchase charge (<0.5%) to gain access to the Investor shares whereas the equivalent ETFs sport lower ERs similar to those of Admiral shares. Also buying/selling these ETFs are commission-free at Vanguard brokerage. I use ETFs and index funds in taxable accounts, and many of the active managed funds in tax deferred accounts.
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