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the Young and Financial literacy



  • edited March 2015
    My mother also gave me my first Financial lessons (and she knew nothing about investing or Finances)
    first lesson: Mom can I have a dime to go to the store with my friends, Mom "get your own money Son... I don't have any" I did, and have done so ever since (earn money)
    Lesson #2: on my paper route I made about $5 week, She made me put $2 a week in my Savings this day I save money every week/month...
    Thanks Mom....Priceless
  • Had to self-learn almost all of the "how to do" part of financial literacy, but the spirit of it came from my family. We have a saying in where I come from, roughly translated as "look at the size of your bed and accordingly stretch your legs", so saving came very naturally. The other aspect was overall emphasis on education and focus, both good to learn any new topic. All I had to realize was I need to learn this and rest followed.
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