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Vanguard: Estimated 2014 Supplemental Fund Distributions

FYI: The Vanguard funds listed below earned taxable income and/or realized capital gains for their fiscal years ended December 31, 2014 or January 31, 2015, that were greater than the amounts distributed in December 2014. The remaining taxable income or gains will be distributed in March 2015 as "supplemental" income dividends or capital gains distributions.

Note: These supplemental fund distributions will be reported on 2015 tax forms. Vanguard will not generate updated tax forms for 2014. The gains reported here are taxable for the year during which they are declared


  • Thanks for the "heads-up." Wifey is due to received an additional $0.35 cents in her 403b. Soon after that, the employer is supposed to drop the annual chunk into her account.:)
  • "Supplemental." Out of the many words that could be used, they chose this one. "Supplemental"--- interesting.... like a vitamin.
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