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Why You Owe Your Freedom To Jack Bogle

FYI: For many years, I’ve been asking people what money means to them. Typical responses have been words like “freedom,” “security,” “survival” and “happiness,” the kind of words that pack a real emotional punch. My take is that money is stored energy that allows us to do what we want with our lives. And though it does not bring happiness in and of itself, it brings the freedom to pursue happiness.
What does all this talk of freedom and happiness have to do with Jack Bogle? Well, in 1975, Jack brought the first index fund to the public through Vanguard Group. Since then, the assets in stock and bond index funds have grown to about $3.9 trillion, according to research company Strategic Insight


  • Seriously? Now one can just buy that honor huh? Who knew.

    Look, Jack Bogle had a good idea setting up a house of index funds for the masses. No question that it's been instrumental in helping a number of individuals on their way toward 'financial' freedom. However I hope, I really, really hope that such an endeavor was not the intent behind awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

    One small aside, the last I read the majority of savings/money in Mr. Bogle's personal account is invested in active funds. Maybe that's changed.
  • It seems that this discussion came up in another thread not so long ago.

    The article is a big rah rah piece for Mr. Bogle and the effort to get the PMF. It cheapens the decoration.

    Jack Bogle must have given the okay for this article to be printed. If so, my respect for him just went down a few notches.
  • edited March 2015
    Bogle started a company (he didn't invent index funds) that could Sell the public on investing (saving) and really no thinking on their part...."Just buy an Index fund"
    Also he had the pitch of I will save you money by my low fees over other similar companies....( he attracted people like me as a young investor)
    All good ideas, and promoted the idea of investing to the common man...for that he is to be commended....and he was rewarded it should be..
    BUT my Freedom ( financially or otherwise) is OWED to one person, your reading him...
  • >>>FYI: For many years, I’ve been asking people what money means to them. Typical responses have been words like “freedom,” “security,” “survival” and “happiness,” the kind of words that pack a real emotional punch. My take is that money is stored energy that allows us to do what we want with our lives. And though it does not bring happiness in and of itself, it brings the freedom to pursue happiness.<<<<

    Money is completely worthless it you have serious and debilitating health issues. I know some whose every day existence is a struggle and all the money in the world will not allow them " the freedom to pursue happiness " nor will it allow them "to do what we (they) want in their lives "
  • NO man is richer than the man who gets up in the morning and does Exactly what he wants to do....tb original
  • What an absolutely ridiculous title for an article.
  • edited March 2015

    You stated: "NO man is richer than the man who gets up in the morning and does Exactly what he wants to do"

    Well, a variation of a common theme or dream dating back to the queens and kings, at the very least; however.....

    So, how long have you been able "to get up in the morning and do what you please"?
  • Since.... somewhere around 1974 for my personal Life (moved to Florida), and 1979 for my last year under Big Corporation's misguided direction and pay stubs, that's when I developed my own business and got up everyday and did what I wanted......go and grow my business, my finances and personal freedom......then you are RICH.....
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