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T. Rowe Price Launches Pair of Alternative Global Bond Funds


  • @John Chisum: If I'm not mistaken these two TRP Funds were discussed in David Snowball March 2015 Commentary. However, its nice to know your on top of the release of new mutual funds.
  • When did bonds become an "alternative asset"?
  • It's not the bonds themselves but in how the funds invest in them. These funds are an alternative to straight bond funds that invest in one type of bond or a specific duration.

    The use of the term alternative is being overplayed here to some extent. Is an unconstrained bond fund really an alternative? I would venture to say we will get mixed answers on that.

    The fixed income alternatives are popular because of the coming rise of interest rates. They should provide flexibility for the manager in order to improve performance. This is their first big test though, so we will have to wait for the results.
  • edited March 2015
    I'm with @Edmond--- alternative asset? DailyAlts has some definitional boundary issues.

    @Ted You are not mistaken; David mentioned both in his commentary. However, "if I'm not mistaken," you are mistaken in the use of your in place of the contractive you're.:)
  • edited March 2015
    But unless I'm mistaken you're mistaken if you believe that your contractor is the same guy as my contractor! :)
  • Too many new bond funds coming on line. The contrarian in me thinks those calling for a bond top my finally be right.
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