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101 Most Popular Mutual Funds For 401(k) Savings

FYI: Americans have $4.4 trillion invested in 401(k)s, according to the Investment Company Institute, making these tax-deferred savings accounts a vital part of retirement planning for many. BrightScope, a financial-information company that rates retirement savings plans, compiled this list for Kiplinger of the most popular mutual funds based on funds' 401(k) assets under management. Here is a list of the top 100 funds.


  • edited March 2015
    Thanks Ted for posting.

    I counted six funds that are on this list that I hold.
  • I've got a handful of them also.

    I do wonder about Kiplinger's choice of tickers, though. "A" shares for American Funds? That family's got a whole slew of R- classes (R-1, R-2, etc.) specifically for 401K funds; I doubt that many plans offer the "A" shares.

    And "B" shares for Blackrock Equity Dividend? Years ago I actually had a 401K plan that offered B shares, but generally it's just tiny company plans that did that, "B" shares are highly disfavored now, and the Blackrock fund's B shares are closed (possibly excepting existing investors, though I haven't checked).

    Fidelity, Vanguard, American, some T. Rowe Price, D&C. The usual suspects. Interesting to see that aside from American, load fund families are barely represented on the list. One each of Oppenheimer, Morgan Stanley, Goldman, MFS. No Putnam.
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