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10 Reasons Bank Of America Merrill Lynch Is Bullish On The S&P 500

FYI: Lots of investors likely are dealing with a nagging, cautious feeling about the U.S. stock market as major indexes continue to thunder higher. Stocks can’t go up forever, right?

In just one week, the bull-market rally for the S&P 500 will celebrate its sixth birthday from its post-financial crisis nadir. That’s a rare feat. Only three other bull markets have lived to see a seventh year since the World War II, and this one is pacing to be the largest by magnitude (211%), says S&P Capital IQ.


  • Nice to still see someone bullish out there!
  • TedTed
    edited March 2015
    @ The Linketer bought more SPY when the market opened this morning !
    Present Asset Allocation;
    Cash: 0.13%
    Stocks/Options: 74.32%
    Mutual Funds: 13.24%
    Fixed-Income 12.09%
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