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Is There A Case For Actively Managed Funds?

FYI: Low-fee index funds do a better job of meeting benchmarks, but some see specific uses for actively managed funds.


  • edited March 2015
    Is There A Case For Actively Managed Funds?....Returns/management responsibility..would be the first Two I could think of....but I'll keep thinking...later
  • I think the case for indexing large cap is clear. For other asset clas ses I would avoid those that indicate they will be fully invested .If that is their you will not outperform ina bear market. I like funds like T.Rowe Price Cap Appreciation and Sequoia that do not hesitate to increase cash positions. Even if they are wrong I expect them to do a better job of market timing than I would For those who think my praiseing those funds is inconsistent with my comment about investing in large cap active funds I make the distinction between making new investments and keeping old ones.
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