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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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Scott Burns Annual Letter: A Lovely But Insanely Difficult Idea

FYI: The most treasured fantasy of investing is the belief that winners can be picked. If you put together enough computers, enough data and enough talent to find the secret, you’ll have the key to consistently picking winners. Riches beyond imagining wait behind the door it unlocks.
But reality interferes.

Click the graphic below to view a color-coded, rank-ordered list of asset class returns over the last 15 years. Last year we showed it as a roulette wheel, which it really is, but this year we’re showing it as you would see it presented by most students of investing.


  • It would be a completely different story if the graphic were of sector funds and dated back beyond 15 years. Sector funds exhibit more trend persistency from one year to the next and extended periods of outperformance. Technology funds in the 80s and 90s made many a trader/investor rich as have health/biotech funds over the past 15 years. You only have to get rich once in this game....and then hold on to it!!
  • TedTed
    edited March 2015
    @Junkster: Scroll down to 15 Year Look At Asset Class, Sector, And Country Returns.
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