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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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Dan, Dan The Vanguard Man: The 5 Best Vanguard Funds for Your 401k

FYI: Your 401k and your IRA are your best bets for retirement because all your gains compound upon themselves, tax-deferred, until you start taking money out down the road.

That’s why I like to put growth investments in my retirement accounts rather than the standard advice to shelter income from bond funds here instead — that’s what municipal bonds are for. Buying a bond fund in a retirement account might shelter that income from taxes, but overall growth is bound to disappoint


  • OK, Dan...Wheres Well/Well?...forget Foreign.....I'll go for the Rest, but most won't get in a 401k.....but they can get Target Dated Vanguard...good for Avg. Returns & little risk
    You miss me Dan?...quit with the solicitations...I won't be back..need you NoMo
  • @TPA: I always have you in mind, when it comes to Dan
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