Most here are not suprised about the extended period of low interest rates. Suspect a lot of money is moving around to discover the unloved/or value sectors. I don't know that there are many remaining; so perhaps the best wording is the sectors will the least gains over the past year. 'Course, ya got to have a good reason; as perhaps the underperformers are just that for a good reason, with more value to arrive at some future date. Can you say, "Bark, bark"?
---Yesterday, Feb. 24, after Ms. Yellen's statements; the bond world had a good time. As to equity, at the U.S. area, healthcare took a very small dip and real estate got the big whack (about -2%). I'm sure there are other sectors with rotations too, but I have not had time to check today. Real estate has flipped paths today at +1%. High yield bonds are up again today (+.25%) and could be worthy; unless one has an equity holding(s) with better performance, or one has cash looking for another sector. And, IG bonds may hold there own for a few more months or years...............
So, if you're going to throw more money to the equity world; where might your money travel?
We've continued to add to healthcare, PRHSX, FSPHX and FHLC; and to HEDJ for Euroland. Most of the remaining equity is in ITOT types (broad U.S.) having about 80% lg.cap/20% mid-sm cap.
One tries to consider why equity will not continue upward with all of the cheap and hot money moving here and there.