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Health Care/Biotech Names Still Dominating

FYI: The average stock in the Russell 3,000 (which makes up roughly 98% of US-listed stocks) is now up 1.68% in 2015. Below we have calculated the average year-to-date performance of stocks by sector. As shown, Health Care stocks are up by far the most with an average YTD gain of 8.06%. Technology stocks are up the second most at just +2.29%, followed by Telecom at +2.14%. Health Care, Technology and Telecom are the only three sectors outperforming the average stock in the Russell 3,000 as a whole this year. The average stock in the other seven sectors is underperforming. Leading the way on the downside is Utilities, with the average stock down 1.38%. The average Financial stock is down 0.63%, while the average Energy stock is down 0.39%.
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