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Josh Brown: 10 Insane Things We Believe On Wall Street

FYI: To outsiders, Wall Street is a manic, dangerous and ridiculous republic unto itself – a sort of bizarro world where nothing adds up and common sense is virtually inapplicable.

Consider the following insane things that we believe on Wall Street, that make no sense whatsoever in the real world:


  • 7. It’s reasonable for the value of a business to fluctuate by 5 to 10 percent within every eight hour period

    I don't know if its "reasonable thinking" but it happens Almost that a reasonable way for a market to act/react is my only Question...?
    OK, its opportunities (for you guys) to make good short time money,but really sticks Joe Average...and they call you Crazy?
  • edited February 2015
    Particularly liked 3 (Fairholme is going to have another Ackman/Target result with Sears, only possibly much worse) and 10.
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