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Why Are Investors Shunning Equity Funds?


  • Equities in a nutshell:$27 million in outflows, according to the data from ICI, a U.S. mutual fund trade organization. While meager, they were the first withdrawals in four weeks and came after inflows of $3.5 billion the prior week, which were the biggest since last October.
  • edited February 2015
    Well, that helps. $27 mil out after $3.5 bil in. - These retail flows normally track the stock market. Stocks indexes rise, and a week or so later $$ comes in. Dow falls 500 or 1000 points, and money starts to flow out. Dow's been fluctuating between 17,000 and 18,000 for some time now - enough to cause flow reversals.

    Would imagine there's a slight time-lag before these trend reversals appear. Might take a week or so for someone tuned-in to the markets to share the news with neighbors, brother-in-law, co-workers and patrons down at the pub. (offered half tongue-in-cheek)
  • edited February 2015
    .77% out based upon the $3.5 billion, if the trend continues for several weeks or months, then perhaps of consequence, eh???

    And which equity? We know large caps and other caps have their days in the sun, while the other snooze. Is the ICI number generic across an entire spectrum?
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