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Latest Fund Flow Numbers from ICI.


  • Equities Ditto: $27 million in outflows, according to the data from ICI, a U.S. mutual fund trade organization. While meager, they were the first withdrawals in four weeks and came after inflows of $3.5 billion the prior week, which were the biggest since last October.
  • edited February 2015
    People don't have confidence. Was part of the discussion regarding mortgages with Starwood CEO Barry Sternlicht this morning on CNBC. I think it extends to a lot of things, including equities. Due to a continued lack of confidence, people are making short-term decisions rather than long-term ones. While the mortage situation is due to a lot of different layers, confidence is keeping some people from making that long-term decision, which is part of the reason why rents continue to go sky-high and buying is still cheaper than renting in some areas. That was a discussion on CNBC this AM and I agree that that's a part of it.
  • As the boomers retire and start pulling money out, this must be having a bigger effect. Perhaps it is noticeable enough to affect statistics?
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