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Chuck Jaffe: 5 Things You Don’t Want To Hear From Your Fund Manager

edited February 2015 in Fund Discussions
FYI: The annual paperwork from one of my mutual funds came recently, and it scared me.


  • the manager said in his annual note to shareholders, “it’s a challenging market right now.”
    ...and I don't know what to do ! Time to say goodbye Mr. manager there are 100s out there that do know what to do....see ya..
  • edited February 2015
    This isn't on the list?

  • TedTed
    edited February 2015
    scott: Video problems at YouTube.

  • slow news day, an unworthy makework article even by CJ's low low low standards; pull you money according to properly gauged performance over time in tough markets, and ignore what they say unless substantive. Even good manager blather like this, so what.
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