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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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M* How Many Retirement Holdings Do You Need? Depends Who You Ask

FYI "How many retirement holdings do I really need?" It's a question all retirement savers need to ask themselves at some point.


  • No one from MFO surveyed, can you believe that ?
    Have a warm Sunday, Derf
  • Sprawling portfolio here. Love it, not changing it.
  • @derf - you probably already know that a number of MFO participants post on the M* boards under a different handle right?

    @Scott - ditto, but probably only half the sprawl you maintain based on the holdings I see you note or illustrate from time to time.
  • edited February 2015

    "Grey and Fox squirrels ... hide their food by burying it in many different places underground. Scientists call this 'scatter hoarding.' Why do they do this? It is actually a smart thing to do! If another animal finds a store of food and eats it, the squirrel will still have many other stores of food and won't go hungry."

    Source "What Do Animals Squirrel Away For Winter?"
  • Too many holdings, but hate the day(s) have to pick which ones to sell, been thinning a little and it hurts to see old buddies going bye, bye..... till I see results (money)
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