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Bank Hackers Steal Millions Via Malware.


  • The number of views and comments to this post suggest an attitude of "big whoop" but I'm guessing that only extends up to the point where it becomes one's personal account that is being hacked. Stay tuned, my gut says that it's only a matter of time.
  • edited February 2015
    No place is immune. But the possibility of this kind of theft is one reason why our money is in a CREDIT UNION, rather than a bank. And I won't entrust my money with the criminal Big Banksters, anyhow. We use two credit unions, in fact.
  • Some of the big banks have notifications either by email or text message whenever any change occurs to your account. That is not a bad idea but the smaller institutions will not have the resources to put that into effect. Of course that is after the horse has fled the barn but better than nothing.

    A person might have more security on their Yahoo email than these banks do.
  • Also, security is more than likely playing a big role in the switch to Pay.
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