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In the Future, Portfolio Management Will Be Free

FYI: I think the biggest change in personal investing over the next 10 years will be that passive portfolio management (rebalancing a portfolio of index funds or ETFs and tax-loss harvesting when holdings are in taxable accounts) will no longer be a service for which people expect to pay money. That is, portfolio management will, in most cases, be free.


  • $198.00 yr. on Morningstar, will give you a portfolio analysis (xray) in seconds, every day of the year.....that's 50 cents a day...almost free to know where your at, for Self management vs the market as a whole...if that's what you
  • @Tampabay, M* portfolio x-Ray is FREE at T. Rowe Price under Tools. Site registration is required for your own portfolio, and it is free. That is $198 saving a year.

  • Used to buy some TR, but moved to Vanguard to handle all purchases/sales...
    Just tried old username/password at TRP, it worked. Might enter my portfolio?, but hate to have every Fund Co. with my information (sure that's why its free) Morningstar paid for this year, I get my monies worth in information, record keeping.....maybe later...
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