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  • edited February 2015
    Another bounce back day.

    Oil remains weak, seems like.

    HCP beat but still struggled today...part of the new cruelty. I like company more every quarter.

    KKR missed and suffered a bit...but not too bad given strong advance last few weeks.

  • A strong day for AAPL.  Pay reception is much higher than expectations. The  Watch may prove to be the big story of the year if these pre-launch stories pan out.

  • edited February 2015
    Charles said:

    Another bounce back day.

    HCP beat but still struggled today...part of the new cruelty. I like company more every quarter.

    Interest rates. REITs have been flat to down last few days. I still think you get another opportunity with REITs in the first half of the year and that many of them are overbought or way overbought due to people desperate for yield. In terms of healthcare REITs, THQ is primarily a healthcare ETF but can buy healthcare REITs. THQ pays a monthly div.

    KKR's miss appears heavily due to energy investments - may not be a bad thing going forward. The stock ended the day well, considering how far it was down early and how far it was down pre-market.
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