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How WisdomTree's Hot ETF Doubled To $10B In 8 Weeks

FYI: Savvy ETF investors have tuned in to the mammoth stimulus programs in Europe and Japan.

As a result, currency-hedged exchange traded funds tracking those region's equities are on fire.
Few more so than WisdomTree Europe Hedged Equity (ARCA:HEDJ). It ballooned from just shy of $500 million in assets in October 2013 to $5.63 billion in December 2014. In this young year, it has grabbed an additional $4 billion in assets, taking its total to $9.69 billion.

Enlarged Graphic;

M* Snapshot Of HEDJ:

HEDJ Is Ranked #12 In The (ER) ETF Fund Category By U.S. Nrws & World Report:


  • Apparently I wasn't the only one... but hopefully we'll all make a lot of money in the next few years!!
  • Yes, HEDJ is hopp'in around with the rest of the markets, eh? I do agree, however; that this etf may be one of the better choices for Euroland.

    Ownership data, although too dated, of some interest

    Let us discover how money meetings go thru Wednesday, yes?
  • Yeah, that will be important. If Greece leaves Euroland the Euro should soar and European stocks will tank. But the Germans need Greece and a weak Euro for their export driven economy, so I believe no matter how much tough talk they give Greece, the Germans will eventually give in and restructure the debt and relax some of the austerity requirements. If I'm wrong its going to be painful as I try to limit the damage.
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