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U.K. and others worried about a Greek Eurozone exit? Emergency meetings?

Well, I'll check in the morning as to whether there may be comments about this. Time for sleep, for an early morn'in rise.



  • One would think they would have already had a plan ready to be set into place for a Greek Exit. They have only been talking about that for the last 4 years.
  • edited February 2015
    It's really quite simple.

    World leaders around a table: "We threw money at the Greece problem didn't go away!"

    (all): "Who could have known this would happen?"

    One: "Does anyone have any other ideas?"

    (all): (silence)

    (someone in the back): "Uh, should we throw more money at the problem?"

    Edited to add: LOL, truth to the humor: Senator Sanders demanding Fed bailout of Greece:
  • edited February 2015
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited February 2015
    "She met Bernie, and got him to put in a bus stop on her street at the door of her senior housing complex. She had no luck with the local pols, but when Bernie says to do it, it got done."

    We had a guy like that here for a long time, by name of Willie Brown. One of the best mayors this city ever had!
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