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Ron Rowland: ETF Death Toll

edited February 2015 in The Bullpen
FYI: Seventy-nine exchange traded products bit the dust in 2014, marking the second highest annual death toll in the history of the ETF industry. The 72 ETF and 7 ETN closures were second only to the 102 closures of 2012. Broken down by major categories, the closures of 2014 consisted of 22 sector, 15 style and strategy, 14 global and international, 13 bond, 7 inverse, 4 leveraged, and 4 commodity. Of the 2,121 U.S. ETPs launched since the dawn of the industry in 1993, only 1,662 remain listed while 459 have closed. Said another way, the historic probability of ETP survivability is 78.4%.
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