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Dressing Up 2014: Barron's/Lipper Fund Family Ranking 2014: Vanguard #1

FYI: (Click On Article Title At Top Of Google Search)

The worst year for active management led to a pretty unusual showing for 2014’s Barron’s/Lipper Fund Family Ranking. We’ll cut to the chase: Vanguard tops the list -- but not for the reason you might think. The Vanguard Group, with two-thirds of its $3.1 trillion in assets under management in index funds, was surely helped by its large devotion to matching market returns in a year in which most active managers struggled to outperform. But the $1 trillion the firm has in actively managed funds truly shined. (And that $1 trillion is more than 63 of the 65 families on this list have in all of their funds, combined.)
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