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Q&A With Ron Dugan, IO, Guidestone Funds: Video Presentation

edited February 2015 in The Bullpen
FYI: GuideStone Funds are opening to the public due to market demand for investments that align moral principles with exceptional investment performance, said Ron Dugan, Investment Officer for GuideStone Funds. GuideStone Funds is the nation’s largest Christian-screened mutual fund family with more than $10B in assets and until recently were only available to employees of Southern Baptist and evangelical churches and ministries. He said GuideStone Funds are socially screened to rule out certain industries, allowing investors to pursue their investment objectives without sacrificing their closely held Christian values and beliefs. For example, GuideStone will not invest in any company in the liquor, tobacco, gambling, pornography or abortion industries. Finally, Dugan said that investors don’t sacrifice returns for their values.

M* All Of Guidestone Funds:
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