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  • edited February 2015

    Perhaps oil has bottomed?

    XOM back over $90.

    Another good day.

    Liking February so far!
  • Here comes those oil profits for all (us) who bought on sale (cheap)
  • The Dow was the big winner today which is unusual since the Nasdaq has been on top most days.
  • Here comes those oil profits for all (us) who bought on sale (cheap)

    I sure hope oil has bottomed...brings more normalcy to the market.

    And, the market is like our Pekingese, I'm like things to be normal =).

  • In other news, one of Cramer's picks Chipotle is off 5% after hours as they missed on their earnings.
  • edited February 2015
    Tampabay said:

    Here comes those oil profits for all (us) who bought on sale (cheap)

    Let's take another look (February 4).
    From James Thurbur, "Don't count your boobies until they are hatched.":)
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