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RBA Interest Rate Cut Raises Worrying Questions.

edited February 2015 in Off-Topic
Some inside thoughts on Australia's Reserve Bank following their interest rate cut. This is not just an Australia issue but a global one as well.


  • edited February 2015
    We, with the subject line; had a mind connection going there for a second, eh?

    And from your article link: "Despite the Australian dollar falling sharply in the past year, from around US94 cents last September to US77 cents early this week, Mr Stevens argued the currency was still overvalued, given the crash in commodity prices and the decline in our terms of trade."

    Lots of "stuff" going on.......
  • That was weird. Yes, Mr. Stevens has gotten spooked. Also in another related article, it was mentioned that in the past, the RBA has cut rates in multiple steps so the thought is another cut may come soon.
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